Topic C (GA #1) Topic C (GA #2) Topic C (Asamblea General)
Topic A: ( GA #2) (Asamblea General)( GA #1)
Topic B: (GA#1) (GA#2) (AsambleaGeneral)
UNICEF currently works in 190 countries to help protect children´s lives and rights. Regardless of the country they belong to.
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WHO works in more than 150 countries to assure a better and healthier future for nations combating diseases and other health issues.
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UNESCO’s main goal is to build peace in minds of men and women. It focuses on education, natural sciences, social and human science, culture, hunger, gender equality, climate action, reduce discrimination, between others.
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UNWOMEN Overall stands for gender equality, fighting for women and LGBT+ rights, trying to overcome abuse and help them get out of dangerous situations.
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UNEP helps combat issues like climate change, pollution and addressing desertification among other issues.
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The ILO is the United Nations agency that brings together governments, employers and workers of 187 member states to set labour standards, develop policies and devise programs promoting decent work for all women and men
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HRC is a subdivision of General Assembly, that is in charge of strenghtening, promoting and protecting human rights, as well as cooperating and finding solutions on human rights issues.
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